Top 5 Visual Studio Code Extensions for Flutter

Top 5 Visual Studio Code Extensions for Flutter

Visual Studio Code is an IDE used for Flutter App development. So, in this article, we will see the top 5 V.S. code extensions for Flutter. There are many extensions you can use to improve productivity in Flutter.

Top 5 V.S. code extensions for Flutter

As a developer, you need productive tools and extensions to improve workplace productivity and efficiency. As Flutter users grow significantly, there is a huge collection of plugins and extensions on the market that can help developers be more productive. Now let’s take a look at some extensions that you can use to improve your productivity.

1) Pubspec Assist: 

Every Flutter project has a pubspec.yaml file. This file contains the dependencies needed to develop your project or app. The Pubspec.yaml file contains the package version, fonts, assets or images. The Pubspec.yaml file is a very important file. Even one wrong interval will result in an error and the package will not install properly. Pubspec Assist is a very useful Visual Studio Code extension. It allows developers to add dependencies & development dependencies to Dart and Flutter project’s pubspec.yaml easily without leaving the editor. Starting from Dart version> 2.5, this feature is available by default.

2) Error lens

Error lenses are an important addition to VS Code. When developing an app or project, I get errors that need to be fixed, such as missing semicolons or brackets. Errors are usually displayed at the bottom of the console. The console lists many errors in the console. Therefore, the task of ascertaining which particular line failure is occurring and fixing the problem can be difficult and time-consuming.

To make troubleshooting easier and save more time, there is an extension called Error Lens. If an error occurs, the error lens immediately highlights the error in red at the end of that particular line. This helps us know what mistakes we made and can fix them at the moment, saving us a lot of time.

3) GitLens — Git supercharged

GitLens is an open-source extension for Visual Studio Code that you can use in App development. It will help you in understanding the code better. You can quickly see who changed a line or block of code, why, and when. Go back in history and learn how and why your code has evolved. Take a quick look at the history and evolution of the codebase.

GitLens is powerful, feature-rich and highly customizable to your needs. If the cord lens is annoying, or if the current conviction is annoying, that’s okay. Turn it off immediately or use GitLens’s interactive settings editor to change its behaviour.

4) Awesome Flutter Snippets

Awesome Flutter Snippets is a collection of Flutter classes and methods that are used commonly. Developers can increase their speed of development by terminating the boilerplate code associated with the widget creation. For example, you can type the shortcut streamBldr and singleChildSV instead of using Widgets such as StreamBuilder and SingleChildScrollView. The features of Awesome Flutter Snippets are:

  • It will speed up development the development process.
  • Also, it eliminates the boilerplate code.
  • It supports complex widgets such as Custom Clipper and Custom Paint.

5) bloc

VS Code supports the Bloc library. Also, it provides tools to effectively create blocks and cubits for Flutter and Angular Dart apps. You can install bloc from the VS Code Marketplace or you can perform a search in VS Code. To activate a command, launch the Command Palette (View> Command Palette) and enter the command name or right-click the directory where you want to create the block/cubit and select the command from the context menu.

  • Bloc: New Bloc – This command will generate a new Bloc.
  • Cubit: New Cubit – This command will generate a new Cubit.


Thanks for remaining till the end of the article. We hope you have enjoyed reading this article. To summarize, in this article, we have discussed the top 5 V.S. code extensions for Flutter. Do let us know your feedback/comments on the same.

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Abhishek Dhanani

Written by Abhishek Dhanani

Abhishek Dhanani, a skilled software developer with 3+ years of experience, masters Dart, JavaScript, TypeScript, and frameworks like Flutter and NodeJS. Proficient in MySQL, Firebase, and cloud platforms AWS and GCP, he delivers innovative digital solutions.

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