Top 10 apps developed with flutter

Top 10 Mobile Apps Developed With Flutter Framework – 2023

It’s no longer an ideological goal for developers to have the possibility to create apps for many platforms with little to no code modification. Flutter is the most recent mobile application development framework to make an impact.

What is the Flutter Framework?

Flutter is an open-source, cost-free mobile UI framework that was created by Google and released in May 2017. In short, it allows you to develop a native application for mobile with a single codebase. So you can create two different apps (for iOS and Android) from a single codebase and programming language.

What Makes Flutter a Useful Framework for the Development of Apps?

The Flutter framework is very useful for developing apps. It stands out in the world of app development due to its variety of features and capabilities. The following key features help to increase Flutter’s usefulness:

  • Cross-platform development
  • Hot reload
  • Rich set of widgets
  • Expressive UI
  • Native-like performance
  • Dart programming language
  • Platform-specific design
  • Open-source and active community
  • Access to native features
  • Web and desktop support
  • Consistent UI across platforms
  • Internationalization and accessibility
  • Cost-efficient development
  • Google support

Flutter is made up of two crucial components:

To help you create your applications, an SDK (Software Development Kit) is a group of tools. Additionally, there are tools for translating your code into native machine code (for iOS and Android).

A collection of reusable user interface (UI) components, such as buttons, text inputs, sliders, and other elements that you may alter for your own needs, is known as an architecture (UI library based on widgets).

You’ll be surprised to learn that more than 10,000 apps have been released using Flutter, making it the most widely used cross-platform framework on the market. Let’s take a closer look at the top 10 Flutter-built apps regardless of market trends.

Top 10 Apps Built Made Using the Flutter Framework

Top 10 Apps Built Made Using the Flutter Framework

1. Google products: Stadia, AdWords, and Google Assistant

The mobile gaming streaming platform Google Stadia is compatible with both iOS and Android smartphones. The Stadia development team decided to use Flutter for their project’s prototyping phase. Later, it was discovered that during Stadia’s early development, Flutter app developers exclusively used by mobile apps. In order to enhance the Google Ads experience and support advertisers in staying connected to their campaigns while on the go, Flutter is also used in the Google Ads mobile app. The Google Assistant’s many panels and the Google Home hub’s user interface are both powered by Flutter.

2. Toyota

Toyota is one of several companies that is working to include Flutter in its collection of automobiles. Toyota’s Chief Engineer Daniel Hall provided a keynote speech at Flutter Engage that outlined four key reasons why Toyota intends to embrace the Flutter platform:

  • High performance in a constrained environment.
  • Toyota will use Flutter to create a slick-touch interior user interface.
  • The ergonomics of Flutter enable developers to employ multi-platform tools.
  • Customer experience is improved through faster iteration cycles.

3. Nubank

Flutter has changed the game for Nubank because it allows them to expand their business without compromising the quality of their goods. The transition to full-stack engineering has been made possible by many of their engineers, which has raised developer productivity and satisfaction with work. Newly hired engineers can start making contributions to the app in just a few days because Flutter’s onboarding procedure is so simple. In a few weeks, professionals who don’t work on mobile devices can start generating the error in the system.

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4. Reflectly

Another popular app created with Flutter as the foundation is Reflectly, an AI-based lifestyle application that enables clients to create their journals. React Native was used to build Reflectly at first. However, it did not function effectively on Android because of application movement. In order for Reflectly to be usable, activities had to be removed. As the complex structure became too much for the response system to manage, they shifted to Flutter, which offers rich native performance with the lowest crash-down rates.

5. Alibaba Group

One of the biggest online marketplaces in the world is Alibaba. To assist their most successful stores, they decided to develop a mobile application in 2017. There was a lack of iOS app developers; therefore, they were looking for a cross-platform solution. Flutter offers an easier learning curve than React Native, and a feature known as “hot reload.” Alibaba was able to create one of the best eCommerce apps available right away due to the extensive feature set of Flutter.

6. My BMW

When there was an Android version of the My BMW app, it was primarily created for iOS. The differences between the two models prompted BMW to look at additional alternatives. Cross-platform development in Flutter played a key role in their decision and quick time-to-market. BMW continues to produce approximately 10,000 distinct versions annually, releasing new ones at a quick pace.

7. eBay

You may purchase and sell cars using the app right from your phone. Sellers can take a picture of their license plate via the app, and it will automatically fill up all the vehicle information. Because it is created on the Flutter platform, uses Machine Learning and personalized feeds to classify photographs automatically, and complies with the Flutter app templates, eBay Motors stands apart from other Flutter apps. Users of the application get a personalized feed and a user-friendly UI.

8. Groupon App

Another company that is an excellent instance of one that makes use of a pre-made application is Groupon. It included both apps oriented toward the customer and apps geared toward the business itself. The second was much smaller and had been downloaded more than 500,000 times; adding new technologies included a lower risk level. The first one has now crossed the 50 million download milestone. Instead of starting from scratch and totally revamping the app, Groupon chose to include Flutter in an already existing solution.

9. KlasterMe

The developer’s social media website may make use of the Flutter framework. People can create pages on this popular content-sharing website and add photographs, blogs, essays, surveys, and entries. Users can share their creations with the public using the application.

The KlasterMe interface streamlines posting and has an appealing aesthetic because it only uses content from other KlasterMeers. KlasterMe is just a work in progress at this point.

10. Sonos

A music service that connects to other services is called Sonos. The goal is to have a single app play all of your music from various services. Due to the nature of the app, cross-platform development is required for Windows, macOS, FireOS, iOS, and Android. After a first, somewhat shaky release, Sonos decided to use Flutter for quick cross-platform development. The most recent Sonos version is generally accessible and bug-free.


The Flutter framework appears to be a game changer in the world of mobile app development. Using its vast array of tools and capabilities, developers can create beautiful and effective mobile apps for a variety of platforms. The top 10 mobile apps created using Flutter show the framework’s diversity and strength, showing how it can be used to create stunning user interfaces, offer smooth performance, and provide seamless cross-platform experiences. For devs looking to create cutting-edge mobile apps for eCommerce, social media, productivity, or entertainment, Flutter is becoming a better option.

The Flutter framework is changing how developers create mobile apps as the demand for Flutter mobile app development increases. Flutter may be the best option for you if you also intend to develop an app for a future project. When it comes to development, you should work with a team of professionals who can produce unique mobile applications and give you apps that are useful and appealing and will help your business thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the ideal Flutter framework?

Flutter Hooks: A Flutter framework called Flutter Hooks adds hooks in the React style to the Flutter ecosystem. It enables developers to control state and side effects with hooks like useState, useEffect, and useMemo. Hooks offers a shorter, more modular method to write Flutter code.

2. Which Google applications are made with Flutter?

Products from Google, including Stadia, Ads, and Assistant. Both iOS and Android mobile devices can access this service. The Stadia app was created utilizing the Flutter software development kit (SDK), according to UI Engineering Lead’s confirmation on November 18, 2019.

3. What backend performs the best for Flutter in 2023?

Firebase is a popular backend choice for Flutter. Authentication, hosting, real-time databases, and other services are available to developers through the mobile and online application development platform Firebase.

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Dhara Acharya

Written by Dhara Acharya

Dhara Acharya, with over 5 years of experience, has established herself as a proficient SEO Specialist. Her expertise in enhancing online visibility and driving organic traffic has significantly benefited numerous projects. Dhara's strategic approach and keen insight into search algorithms make her a valuable asset in the digital marketing realm.

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